Interviews & Reviews

Interview with The Virgo Girl on her #50Bloggers tour – Meet Frances Frost

Kensington Day of the Book (Sunday, April 24, 2016) – Featured Author Interview

We B Swangin Radio Show on Interview of Frances Frost and Andrea Blackstone.  Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

Homecoming Queen Turned Novelists talks “Life in Spades” – University of Delaware, The Review, Nov. 3, 2014.

Writer’s Center Workshop Guide – More than Pen Pals (Writing Groups)

“I absolutely loved the women of Life in Spades.” “Frost also makes [the characters] as likable as they are realistic.”  Read in Colour (formerly – 4 “chairs” on their scale of 1 to 5.

Our Literacy Lives joined us in Atlanta for our event at Cacao Atlanta – check out her great pictures!

OOSA Online Bookclub

Writer’s Center Workshop Guide – More than Pen Pals (Writing Groups)


Mentions in other Media about Life in Spades and Frances Frost

Life 3.5 – Meet & Greet with Frances Frost

UD Authors



Next Generation Indie Book Awards -2014, Finalist, African-American


Reader Comments  

Thanks to readers who have sent us their comments on Life in Spades and allowed us to share them with you.  Frances doesn’t like knowing anything about the next page of a book, so there are no “spoilers” here – so that you can continue to enjoy the story, plot points & story endings have been replaced by [play spades!] note.

I finished “Life in Spades”!  Frances did a great job and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to tell this was her first published novel.  I felt the most satisfied with Laura’s story and it seemed like her journey was complete.  Cookie was my next favorite, but I would like to have seen her relationship with the delivery guy develop more, or at the very least to hear her work her way into believing she was ready to move on.  Gina was a hot mess and I was glad that she …[played spades!]  However what happened after that?  Sherry was my least favorite character and I’m not sure why but I was glad she decided to …[play spades]!  — H.E.

Loved, loved, loved every moment of it. A very heart-warming and positive story of sisterhood, hope and enduring love. You really brought the characters to life and made me want to know more about them through each turn of the page. Your descriptive language and dialogue was spot on. I felt like I do when I always read a good book…like I’m inside the story with the characters.  This was such a refreshing read. Hated to see it end. — T.E. James

Did you enjoy Life in Spades?  Share your thoughts in a review on Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble.

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We welcome reviews for the new novel, Life in Spades.  We have a limited number of copies for distribution and will be considering book reviewers and book bloggers.  We ask that anyone interested in reviewing the book please be willing to commit to reading and posting their review to their website/blog, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, FaceBook page, and Twitter within a month of receipt of your book.  We will also copy an excerpt of your comments and/or link to your website/blog on this website.  In addition to providing the information below, please be sure to “like” Frances Frost’s Facebook Page and follow her on Twitter @FrancesFrost.  No compensation, other than our gratitude and a complimentary copy of Life in Spades, will be provided.

Book reviewers and book bloggers –  to review a copy of Life in Spades, please send your name, e-mail, Twitter username, website/blog URL, and short description of your blog/website.

Thank you for your interest.